Material Selection Process
Choosing the appropriate filter media is important to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the dust collection system. To make the correct media selection, you will need to determine “What emissions are allowed” and “What bag life is needed”.
With so many different applications, the selection process mostly becomes a matter of common sense and experience rather than an exact science. The dust properties below should be considered when determining the best material for your filter bag:
- Type of dust
- Dust loading
- Size and shape of dust
- Temperature of dust/gas stream
- Abrasive characteristics of dust
- Moisture content of dust
In addition, it is advisable to answer questions that consider other dust characteristics such as:
- Is the dust explosive?
- How easily does the dust cake release?
- How much restriction to airflow does the dust cake provide?
- Does the dust have agglomerative tendencies?
- Will the dust have a chemical reaction under certain conditions?
The selection process generally goes as follows:
- Prioritize the most desired goals, i.e. emission and bag life and installed cost.
- Select the proper bag material, using the above dust properties and characteristics as a guide.
Our objective is to help you operate an efficient and effective dust collection system while providing you with Day Filters bags.

We will be glad to help you with your filter media or filter bag questions. Contact Us or fill out the Filter Bag Selection form and a customer service representative will be glad to assist you.